Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Senator Barack Obama is a nice enough guy, inspiring most times, comforting in his dreams aspirations and vision for the future of our country ... all the time. But that Clinton 'broad' is kicking his *ss "... and you know this man!" To night is yet another Democratic debate. So, just what does Obama have to say, before we start thinking of his whole aspiration for the presidency as, "cute".

Here's what MSNBC columnist Howard Fineman is quoted as saying: As Sen. Barack Obama prepared for Tuesday night’s crucial MSNBC debate in Philadelphia, his high command back in Chicago was watching a lot of old Clinton videotape — not of Hillary Clinton, but of Bill, and not of Bill as president, but of Bill as a fresh-faced candidate of 46 (which happens to be Obama’s age) in 1991 and 1992.

“You know, I look at Clinton back then, and I find a lot I agree with,” said David Axelrod, Obama’s media adviser. “He said things Barack is saying now.”
As the senator from Illinois searches for a way to derail Hillary without ruining his own good-guy image, perhaps the video offers a shrewd approach: arguing that he, not she, is the true disciple of Clinton’s brand of fresh, bring-us-together politics.

Ok, I like young bill Clinton too, but Howard, I want you to check out one of my favorite speakers, former Governor of New York Mario Cuomo. The year is 1992 when he was nominating Bill Clinton to be the Democratic Nominee, and as you can see life in the USA hasn't changed much. And Obama could use a little of what Mario has to offer.