Monday, October 15, 2007


T.I.'s Sweating Bullets, Literally!

Talented but perrenial cry baby Kanye West went home with the win at the 2007 BET Hip Hop Awards on Saturday, but even in victory he couldn't keep the spotlight that Georgia rapper T.I. is all too willing to give up right about now.

What everybody's buzzing about on the Internet is T.I.’s pre-awards drama in the parking lot of an Atlanta shopping center after the brother allegedly accepted delivery of three machine guns and two silencers from a bodyguard. In addition to the weapons at the purchase, police found three other firearms in the vehicle T.I. was driving. There were six more firearms reportedly found at his home. A sprawling mansion he shares with his girl Tiny, rumored to be pregnant again with his seed after a recent miscarriage. The unmarried couple already have one child together.

Clifford Harris, aka T.I., was denied bond on Monday and ordered to remain in jail until his next court appearance on Friday. Apparently federal prosecutors are attempting to have the rapper held without bond until his trial – which has yet to receive a start date and could be months away.

Kanye, Common, KRS-One Take Home Awards

U.S. Magistrate Alan Baverman has scheduled a hearing on Friday to determine if there was probable cause for the arrest. The judge will also determine whether T.I. will be able to qualify for bond before the start of the trial.

In refencing Clifford, David E. Nahmias, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, had this to say: "The last place machine guns should be is in the hands of a convicted felon, who cannot legally possess any kind of firearm. This convicted felon allegedly was trying to add several machine guns to an already large and entirely illegal arsenal of guns."

The arrest happened after ATF agents reportedly learned a bodyguard for T.I. was attempting to purchase machine guns without registering them. The bodyguard was arrested on Wednesday for purchasing three machine guns, two silencers and a pistol, and helped police arrange to deliver the guns to T.I. on Saturday. Tameka "Tiny" Cottle was also arrested Saturday for alleged drug possession of marijuana and ecstasy. She was released Sunday on $10,000 bail.