Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Timeshare ... Good News, It's Time To Take The Vacation Plunge

OK, I admit it. I am one of those guys who for years has gone to those “timeshare presentations” with no intention of ever buying and just want the free gifts. Living in California has afforded me some great gifts as the time share companies are plentiful.

I sit thru the 90 minute to two hour presentation and then come up with some excuse why this is not the right time for me to purchase a time share. I then accept the lovely gift that they offer me. And don’t be fooled, some of these gifts are nice. On the cheap side there are gift certificates usually for at least $100 for dinner at well known restaurants. You can also get gas or American Express cards, $150 minimum usual.

But my favorite gift are the trips. Two years ago my kids were nagging me about going to Sea World in Sand Diego. They offered me one night at their luxury facility (which is rare, it is usually a 2 star hotel). I negotiated for two nights and two adult tickets to Sea World. And they actually had the nerve to have daycare during the presentation. It was a great trip. The kids were young enough to get in Sea World free. And a good time was had by all.

I have been to Palm Spring on several occasion and last year I pulled off 5 nights in Cabo San Lucas with airfare just in time for my 10th wedding anniversary. My wife was not so much impressed as she marveled how I had hustled this free trip up.

So why today's article? Well last week I went to hear another “presentation” and get a free three night cruise to Ensenada Mexico. I know there is really nothing I want to see in Ensenada, but this time I made it my purpose to hook up two other couples so we could all travel/party together without the kids, the operative words being “without the kids”.

And a strange thing happened during the presentation. No I didn’t buy … but for the first time, this time share thing made sense. Now that my kids are 6 years old and have a regular school calendar. I have become one of those daddies who is trying to create memories for my kids. As a sales person put it, "In 20 years your kids won’t remember what toys you gave them, what dress you purchased, but they will remember where you went for vacations." In fact I myself remember all the places (and there were quite a few) that we went on vacation, especially if we went there more than once.

So the question is: Is this the time to buy a time share? I called my Uncle Chris in North Carolina who I knew owned a timeshare and he told me: I own three timeshares using three different methods:

1. Fixed Week in a Resort in Orlando, FL, USA

2. Floating week in a Resort in Cocoa Beach, FL, USA

3. Points in a Resort in Lincoln, NH, USA

“My advice is to buy a Fixed Week. There are fewer headaches making reservations when you want to use your week. And it is easier to deposit with any of the Exchange Companies.” Regarding on where to buy, “That is a more difficult question. Resorts in a high traffic of tourist during all year are the best since there will always be a demand for accommodations. That will allow you to exchange for other resorts around the world. Each resort has their preferred partner for Global Exchange. In my case I deal with Interval International II and RCA. These two are the pioneer of the industry so rests assure that they will provide you with the best service there is."

For more answers to all my other questions I went to a website/forum run and written by timeshare owners. They really brought me closer to making the plunge; and making a yearly commitment to memories for my kids and a “little” R& R for mom and I.

Check out what they have to say and enlighten your own decision at The Timeshare Users Group