Monday, October 15, 2007

WEB UPDATE! Don Imus Tells Black Women To Get Over It, He Needs To Come Back To Radio And Get Paid!

Is It Time For Don Imus To Return On The Air? ... Seriously!

In a dramatic rebound, Don "Them Some Nappy Headed Ho's" Imus has secured a deal that has him returning to the airwaves on December 3 -- this time on the nation's most listened to talk station.

The DRUDGE REPORT is reporting that "Imus In The Morning" is tap to reemerge on WABC in New York City. Top sources are also revealing that he'll be interviewed by Barbara Walters for an upcoming special. . "We'll have him on a standard 40-second delay," a studio source explains. "Don is rested, humbled, and ready for war!" Fired by CBS and MSNBC earlier this year for disparaging African American Rutgers women's basketball team members, Imus has apparently inked a eight-figure, multi-year contract with WABC parent company, Citadel Broadcasting. In all likelihood, WABC's previous owners, The Disney Company, would not have brought the crotchety White guy with the (hillbilly) signature cowboy hat back on the air

Some consider the stunning comeback a defeat for those who protested and picketed Imus earlier this year. Imus is said to be particularly incensed by Senator Hillary Clinton's "shameless exploitation" of the situation. The senator, who Imus has called "Satan" and the "devil", traveled to Rutgers in April to praise the women's basketball team for its response to the controversy. In a campaign email, Hillary called Imus's comments "small-minded bigotry and coarse sexism."

So where is the family on this issue? If folks want to co-sign on Michael Vick someday returning to the NFL or forgiving Marion Jones for lying about her steroid use, shouldn't Imus get the same benefit of the doubt???