Monday, June 16, 2008

With Today Being The First Day California Gays Are Allowed To Marry, Will Black Men Come Out The Closet And Jump The Broom?

The first couples to get married as a result of last month's California Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage plan to exchange their vows Monday.

Gay African American men have a tradition of taking a long time to even come "out of the closet". So to tell me they are now going to come out and say "I do"... well this is a grand canyon leap to take. I don't believe on the news we will see many Black fellah's doing it. They are afraid.

Do we have any California readers especially Black gay men who plan to now get married. Leave a comment and let us know? If I get nothing, then I know I'm right.

Will you be one of the ones out there protesting against this new freedom? You can let us know that too. It's a free country.

The ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in California formally takes effect at 5:01 p.m. PT (8:01 p.m. ET) Monday. That's just past closing time for county offices that issue marriage licenses, but some plan to stay open late to accommodate same-sex couples.

Clerks expect a much larger number of couples Tuesday morning. They will complete marriage-license applications that replace "Bride" and "Groom" with "Partner A" and "Partner B."