Friday, June 27, 2008


Today is a big day in this phase of the U.S. presidential campaign. Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Barack Obama (D-IL) are scheduled to come together for a Unity Rally in Unity, New Hampshire where each receive 107 votes - a dead tie - during the primary season in their race for the Democratic nomination.

There has been a lot of back and forth, dissecting and over-analyzing of just how these two Senators would come together after a very heated primary campaign season which has resulted in Obama as the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States.

In an age where everything a candidate does and says is given as close as scrutiny in the spirit of a prostate exam, both Senators are well aware that all eyes are on them.

Even so, when both arrived at the airport to board the plane for New Hampshire, Obama's powder blue tie matched Clinton's powder blue pantsuit. They looked as if they were going to a political prom.

I must admit, when the spirit is right, such occurrences are not necessarily so uncommon.

As an American, I appreciate this effort by these former opponents to come together in an attempt to work out their differences for the good of the country. It sets an excellent tone of mature leadership - something our country desperately needs. Also, it shows children just how to "play nice" and be respectful and mindful of moving forward when a clear winner has emerged in a competition.

I look forward to an eventful and history-making rally.