Thursday, June 26, 2008

Suge Knight Loses Deathrow Records To A White Woman

Meet President Susan Berg of Global Music Group. She and her company have just "pimp slapped" music mogul Suge Knight as his company, Death Row Records was ordered to be sold in bankruptcy court and they got the winning bid. Berg now has control of all recordings by Death Row artists Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre and Tupac Shakur, made during their time at the label.

Susan and Global threw down 24 million at auction, and in the taking also inherited 20 unreleased tracks by multi platinum selling and now deceased rapper icon Tupac Shakur. Can you say Cha Ching!

Knight was forced by a bankruptcy court judge to auction all assets of the infamous record label to the highest bidder. Had he done so in February, when Warner Music Group was making an offer, Suge could have sold the label for $25 million.
Death Row's sale was the result of a 2005 lawsuit when Suge was ordered to pay former partner Lydia Harris $107 million for profits owed to her after being forced out of the label. Suge filed for bankruptcy in April 2006.
Thanks TMZ for this scoop