Friday, June 13, 2008

Michelle Obama Gets Off The Hook As New Web Site Destroys Rumors

Did She Say "Whitey" or "Why Did He?"

Did Barack Obama really refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag? Is his grandmother a witch doctor in Africa? Who was Michelle Obama calling "whitey". I heard it all and I know it must be true because Rush Limbaugh said so. Well not quite and to set the record straight the Obama camp set up Fight The Smears. On the site Obama's aides wrote out and deconstructed five of the nastiest rumors, one by one. It will be updated as the campaign and rumors continue.

Michelle Obama has been the target of several conservative attacks. Many came from her comment that the Obama campaign has made her proud of her country "for the first time," a remark that inspired a Tennessee Republican Party Web video questioning her patriotism. Other insulting attacks, not limited to the Internet, have emerged.

Fox News Channel referred to her as "Obama's baby mama" in a graphic Wednesday, using the slang description of a woman who has a baby outside of a romantic relationship or marriage. Bill Shine, senior vice president of programming at Fox, said in a statement that a producer "exercised poor judgment." The producer was not fired, and no disciplinary action was announced.

Fox News anchor E.D. Hill earlier referred to a "terrorist fist jab" when the Obamas bumped knuckles on the night he clinched the nomination. Hill has apologized.

Chicago Tribune and AP has more of this ugly stuff if you click here