Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making The Best Of Summer Travel

It used to be that travel was fun. But with increasingly overcrowded flights, Post-9-11 security challenges, and fading perks amongst rising prices for anything travel-related, it’s no wonder travelers are disgruntled. If you want to survive, and thrive, in the fast-paced travel world of the new millennium, you need to move beyond a 20th-Century mindset. Here’s my top ten tips for traveling today:

1. USE THE INTERNET: Forget the travel agent, guidebook, and postcards. If you want to book a reservation, research a destination, and keep in touch with folks back home, you’ve got to get online. Here’s some of the hottest new travel-help websites:

• Check Flights:
• Connect With Other Travelers:
• Call Long-Distance:
• Research Destinations:


• Protect your passport and wallet contents from identity thieves with an RFID wallet.
• Back-up and password-protect your computer and cell phone before departure, and label them with your contact information…just in case they disappear.


• Forget the money belt. Hide personal items on your body with Zip-It Socks and/or a PacSafe or Travelon anti-theft bag.
• Use Travelon’s Garment Hideaway faux-vest to hide things in your room.


• Americans are targets overseas, so stick a Canadian flag on your bag and scale back the American attitude when abroad.
• Carry pepper spray, and double-lock your room with a portable door lock from Zelco.


• Use non-liquid toiletries, such as toothpaste powder or soap, shampoo, and detergent sheets from Travelon.
• Use a pre-packed, security-line-safe toiletry set from mysmartpac.
• Pack other security-prohibited loose items in a heavy-duty, quart-sized clear case.

6. GREEN POWER: Instead of packing multiple power cords, bring one universal Solio solar charger (with multiple tips) to charge all your electronics via sun.

7. FORGET TRAVELER’S CHECKS: Traveler’s checks aren’t so widely accepted anymore, so consider the modern plastic version instead: a cash passport from Travelex…if you don’t feel secure enough with ATM & credit cards alone.

8. PACK EDIBLES: With airlines axing free meals and delaying flights, plan ahead for hunger or an empty wallet by packing snacks like nuts, fruit, and Lärabars.

9. UPDATE YOUR TRAVEL GEAR: If you haven’t updated your luggage, travel clothing, or camera in years, it’s time to get:

• A digital camera
• Wrinkle-resistant clothes, like cargo pants.
• A new suitcase, with added pockets, better wheels, easier expansion, and/or more style. If you can’t afford one, at least add a luggage identifier (handle wrap, luggage tag, patch, etc.) to your black one.

10. BE CLEAN AND KIND: Dreaming of a flight upgrade? Frustrated with hotel staff? Wary of germs? Some modern issues are best addressed with old-school tactics:

• Dress and be nice—service personnel will be nice back.
• Wear decent socks—or risk embarrassment in the security line.
• Wash and use Purell—because filth attracts germs and repels people.