Tuesday, April 8, 2008

For Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Things Keep Going From Triffling To Worse!

Resignation Is Now Just A Matter Of Time

A Detroit attorney is suing Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty "on behalf of all Detroit taxpayers" in an attempt to recover the nearly $9 million spent to settle the police whistleblower case.

From Detroit attorney Corbett Edge O'Meara...

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty were sued today in Wayne County Circuit Court to recover the money that the pair duped the City Council into paying Gary Brown and Harold Nelthrope as “hush money” to keep the pair and their lawyers quiet about Kilpatrick and Beatty’s perjury and adultery. The suit was filed by Detroit attorney Corbett Edge O’Meara, acting on behalf of all of Detroit’s taxpayers.

“Kilpatrick and Beatty defrauded the city when they didn’t reveal that the money was being paid for their personal benefit: to keep Brown and Nelthrope quiet”, O’Meara said. “What they did is no different than a public official tricking the treasury into writing a check to a contractor who built a school for the city and a house for the elected official. When they didn’t reveal the private benefit, Kilpatrick and Beatty defrauded the city and they owe that money back.”

O’Meara sued under a statute that allows any taxpayer to sue on behalf of a government whose money has been stolen. Prior to filing suit, O’Meara demanded that Kilpatrick file a lawsuit against himself to recover the money he defrauded the city of.

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“The law requires that I demand that the person who should sue on behalf of the city sue to recover the money before I file suit,” said O’Meara. “Even though it is his duty, I don’t think Kilpatrick is going to sue himself and his ex-girlfriend.”

O’Meara also filed a motion to freeze all of Kilpatrick’s assets, including The Detroit Justice Fund. Kilpatrick owes the city millions of dollars. The City will never get that money back if he squanders every penny he has on ridiculously expensive lawyers.

O’Meara has pledged that every penny he gets form the case will be paid to the taxpayers of the City of Detroit. “I love this City, and hate to see it tricked into paying blackmail for a deceitful official, “ O’Meara said.

The case has been assigned to Judge Wendy M. Baxter. A hearing on O’Meara’s Motion to freeze the Detroit Justice Fund and all other assets of Defendants is scheduled for April 18.