Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Black Men Ain't Working, Stat!!!!

Is unemployment among groups of African American males approaching the crisis level? Duh!

New York Senator Charles Schumer opined on the recent finding that 72 percent of Black men who dropped out of high school are unemployed.

Schumer detailed several plans of his own to address the problem and challenged the presidential candidates to take up the issue and discuss it openly as they continue they bids for the White House. Just so we're clear, Schumer is a staunch Hillary Clinton Supporter who knows that somebody on Team Hillary better start doing damage control with Black folks.

Among Schumer’s proposals is an expansion of the earned income tax credit to single men so that “work really pays if you don’t have children you are living with but you are still paying your child support.”

Oh yeah, that will do the trick.

Thanks George. You-da-man!