Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Bug Crawled Up Robert Johnson's Butt?

BET Founder Insists On Linking Obama's Success, Race

Heading back to the Democratic presidential political buffet, Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson said Monday that Barack Obama would not be his party's leading candidate if he were white.

Johnson, a longtime friend of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton and brotha from another mother of Geraldine Ferraro, was criticized in January for making a thinly veiled reference to Mr. Obama's teenage drug use. That's not all...

Witness says Obamas were at Rezko party

The government's star witness at the Chicago fraud trial of political fundraiser Tony Rezko testified Monday that Barack and Michelle Obama were among the guests at a 2004 party he attended for a British billionaire at Mr. Rezko's home. Mr. Rezko, 52, was a major fundraiser for Mr. Obama, but the Democrat is not accused of wrongdoing in the case.

A spokesman said the Obamas do not remember attending the party. I don't know about the rest of you, but this sounds suspect, and we are with Michelle and Barack.


GOP presidential candidate John McCain announced his support Monday for legislation protecting the identity of confidential news sources. He coupled his announcement with a challenge to the media to acknowledge its errors "beyond the small print on a corrections page."

Appearing at the annual meeting of The Associated Press, Mr. McCain also said he believes the economy is in a recession, a statement that Bush administration officials have declined to make. Aides say only when the country is in a deep depression will George possibly concede the whole recession thing may have some validity.