Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Evangelist Juanita Bynum to Divorce Court… The Television Show!

Ok we all know of the highly reported parking lot fight and ultimate divorce of the televangelist team of Thomas W. Weeks III and his wife Juanita Bynum. Since then Juanita has received an outpouring of sympathy. She has also received some sharp criticism of being a money grubbing opportunist. Well you decided as tomorrow, Thursday and Friday she appears on Television’s Divorce Court.

In episodes scheduled to air Thursday and Friday, Bynum also says she had thoughts of suicide and weighs in on a case involving domestic violence. When asked what advice she had for women in situations similar to hers, she said, "I have to make a decision ... to take the love that I had for him with me."

In a transcript of the show obtained by The Associated Press, Bynum said she would always love Weeks, but made a decision to "love me more."

Weeks pleaded guilty in March to assaulting Bynum on Aug. 21 in a hotel parking lot outside of Atlanta; police said Bynum told investigators he choked her, pushed her down and kicked and stomped her.

Weeks was sentenced to three years' probation and ordered to perform community service and undergo counseling.

Media Takeout thanks for this update