Friday, April 25, 2008

Madea's Tyler Perry Wants All Of You To Vote... But Not For Obama!

Ok guys, I was reading the message board and someone brought to my attention whatwas in print under my picture in this TIME thing. Now, I didn’t notice it cause I don’t read stuff about me Good or Bad because most of the time it’s wrong and negative and because most of these “Mainstream” folks don’t get it.

So, what’s the point?

But after a board member left thismessage saying how upset she was, I read it and it says, “ You might notrecognize him out of his Granny Drag, and detractors dismiss his
movies.” That’s why I don’t read this stuff cause that annoyed me. It’s crazy to me
how you can have millions of people stand with you and appreciate you for what you do but if “MAINSTREAM” (and you know what I’m talking about)doesn’t recognize you then you’re somehow not valid to them. As well as if you do things outside of the system then you’re not credible. It’s just ridiculous.

I don’t need to be on this list to know that what I do matters to so many of you as well as myself. What I’ve tried to do with my life and my work is uplift a people that this world and MAINSTREAM doesn’t care anything about. They can say what they want as long as you know that my heart is into inspiring and motivating us all to be or want to be better human beings.

I also got a few emails saying that some people don’t understand how the vote works. Here’s how I think it works. It’s not about the vote. It’s about the influence. So, before you hit the button that says submit, right below my name there is a RED line that you need to move over, it starts at 50 but you can move it to 100 if you like and then press submit.

I’m not going to bother you with this foolishness again but I just got a little annoyed when I read that. People just don’t get it. Can you show them how many people know me? TYLER a 38 year old man, Outside of the “Granny DRAG.” Let me breathe....

So, if you haven’t voted or even if you have it’s pretty quick and easy.

Click here to vote......

Thanks! I’m done with this.

Yo Boy,
