Sunday, February 3, 2008

Don't Sleep On The 2008 Pan African Film Festival Jumping Off This Month!

Here at 3BAAS Media, we are ecstatic to report that our team (Gail Parker, William Byers and Isidra Person-Lynn) has a film nominated for best short documentary competition at this year's Pan African Film Festival. Walking Tall: The Life and Wife of Walt Walker will screen Feb, 15 and 16 at the Magic Johnson Theaters in the heart of the black community. We are about to blast it out but wanted you all to be among the first to know about this honor and this great artist Walt Walker and his 62 year love affair with his wife Jane.

The 16th ANNUAL PAN AFRICAN FILM & ARTS FESTIVAL (PAFF) have announced the line-up of films selected from a record number of submissions for their 2008 film competition. Known for showcasing new films first and recognized as America’s premiere black film festival, past PAFF features have included box office and award-winning hits: Ray, Lackawanna Blues, Redemption, Crazy As Hell, Kingdom Come, The Brothers, Gridlock’d, Days of Glory, and the 2006 Academy Award® winner for Best Foreign Film, Tsotsi.

The LA film festival is expected to draw over 40,000 attendees during its twelve-day run from February 7-18, 2008. The complete list of films is available at