Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Barack Obama Claims Delegate Lead And Makes Black Folks Proud!

840 Delegates For Barack, Hillary Banks Around 830

Biracial Illinois Senator Barack Obama notched up 'Super Tuesday' victories over rival New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in 13 states voting in the 24 US primaries. On the Republican side, John McCain and Mike Huckabee did their thing, while Mitt Romney got seriously kicked to the curb.

The first Democratic candidate that reaches 2025 total delegates wins this mofo and right now, some reports have Barack somewhere around 1070 -1080 delegates. contradicts this number that includes those 842 mysterious "super delegates" we keep hearing about. Hillary is believed to be hovering around 1140, although other reports state that both are closer to being in the 900 delegate range and give Barack a slight edge.

Obama scored victories in Georgia, Missouri, Alabama, Alaska, llinois, Delaware, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, North Dakota and Kansas. Political analysts have maintained that the Obama momentum should go beyond the South where African-Americans are expected to vote for him in overwhelming numbers. In Georgia, Obama came away with 77 per cent of the 'younger' voters under the age of 30.

The Democratic fight will go all the way to the Convention Floor in Denver this August with both Clinton and Obama fighting for the support of 'Super Delegates' -- prominent Democrats who have a say in the nomination process. Next up is Washington and Nebraska, where Barack is favored. Then it's on to DC (aka The Dark Continent), Virginia and Maryland, clearly areas leaning toward the brotha.

That said, Clinton will fight on the floor of the Convention to have the delegates of Michigan and Florida counted as well. The Democratic National Committee had stripped the two states of delegates because they had advanced the primary dates without approval.