Monday, June 4, 2007


While Eighty-five percent of women are pleased with their partner's penis proportions — many guys suffer "small-penis syndrome," urologists report.

Small-penis syndrome is the anxiety of thinking one's penis is too small — even though it isn't. It's a totally different condition from having a truly tiny tinkler, a condition known by the cold, clinical name of micropenis.

The average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference at midshaft. A micropenis, however, is less than 2.75 inches long when erect.

Urologists Kevan R. Wylie of Royal Hallemshire Hospital and Ian Eardley of St. James Hospital in Leeds, England, urge doctors not to laugh away these very real worries over an imaginary defect.

Few suffer this condition. Yet 45 percent of men want a bigger penis, "It is very common for men to worry about the size of their penis," Wylie says.

While the three brothers on this site don't have this issue to worry about, click here if this speaks to you little fella.