Monday, June 25, 2007


Shirley Bassey narrowly escaped death after the helicopter she was in developed a fault and was forced to make an emergency landing.

With huge hits like "Hey Big Spender," "Love Story" and "Goldfinger," the bigger than life international superstar was on her way back from Glastonbury festival to London when the aircraft began to make noises, swooped low over homes and touched tree tops on its way down.

The helicopter landed at eight last night in Collingwood College in Camberley, Surrey, amid howling winds, rain and fog minutes after coming within inches of pylons and wires.

Dame Shirley, 70, then emerged from the helicopter in wellingtons. One onlooker said she told the crowd: "We are so sorry to have bothered you. May I please use someone's toilet? And a cup of tea would go down a treat."

The Welsh singer with a Nigerian father has had quite a journey. Pregnant at 16, losing a child to what many saw as suicide, lots of other drama, and great music has made us take a new look at someone who has truly lived.


For you young folks, Bassey voice serves as the hook to Kanye's "Diamonds Are Forever."

You better bow down, recognize, and check out her website!