Monday, June 25, 2007


I Have A Confession To Make.

I, like most, have allowed myself to get caught up in the ho/pimp game of gossip cleverly disguised as news and information.

I used to just amusingly and affectionately refer to myself as a "news junkie." However, as one who has a commitment to trying to live as authentically as possible, I must admit that I too am a media ho.

This is such a hard reality to accept. But I am afraid it's true. Sure, I have had occasion to sound self-righteous here and talk about how the media distracts us from the real issues.

But in reality, they couldn't do it if we didn't let them. The media are the pimps, we are the hos and the advertisers are the johns. We are all culpable in this mess of mind-numbing psychological B.S. designed to essentially distract us from our own mundane lives.

Are we really ready to allow the cast of characters of Jessie Davis, Bobby Cutts, and Myisha Ferrell takes us there one more time?

For more, click here.