Sunday, June 24, 2007


Canton, Ohio (AP) - A former classmate of a man suspected of murdering a pregnant woman was arrested Sunday on a related obstruction of justice charge, the FBI said.

Myisha Ferrell was arrested hours after the body of 26-year-old Jessie Davis was found in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, still carrying her dead, nearly full-term fetus.

For a Sistah's perspective, click here.

Davis, of Lake Township near Canton, was reported missing after her mother found Davis' 2-year-old son, Blake, home alone, with bedroom furniture toppled and bleach spilled on the floor. Blake gave investigators some of their first clues, saying: "Mommy was crying. Mommy broke the table. Mommy's in rug."

Fox News is reporting that Jesse Davis was actually murdered inside her own, then wrapped inside the rug as 2 year-old Blake watched. The child is now with his maternal grandmother.

Let's make sure we say a prayer today for Blake Cutts, family. Not only was he left alone when this horrific tragedy occurred, now this biracial little boy is without a mother, sister, and in all likelihood, a father (and we do use this term loosely!)

Currently only state charges are pending. If the feds get involved, however, Bobby Cutts Jr. could be faced with the death penalty under a federal statue enacted after the death of Laci Petterson. FYI, Ohio is a death penalty state. In fact, some of these folks are even looking for pen pals.

As Americans are starting to question the use of the death penalty, will this case cause some folks to rethink their position?