Friday, June 29, 2007


Street Waits Like Everyone Else
Before Leaving IPhone Line

(AP) Mayor John F. Street abruptly ended his wait in line for an iPhone Friday after a passer-by asked him about the city's murder rate.

The brother -- whom some describe as "prickly" -- showed up outside an AT&T store at 3:30 a.m. like all the other tech nuts who are intent on claiming "first!"

No problem, right?

Well, suddenly it became a problem after a 22-year-old sporting a mohawk asked Street, "How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?"

Hizzoner told the man: "I'm doing my job!"

Listed in Time Magazine as one of the three worst big-city mayors in the United States in 2005, the 63 year-old politico had planned to stay in line for most of the day, waiting for Apple Inc.'s iPhone to go on sale at 6 p.m.

When he left at 11:30 a.m. with someone holding his spot, Mayor Street stated his intention to return later today.

Street said he wants the new device because he loves trying out the latest technology. Apple's new handheld would allow him to work some of the day outside the office, he said.

A good PR person would have advised this O.G. that, after all the recent scandals, his response was both stupid and unnecessary.

That's especially true in light of statistics showing Philly's murder rate climbing from last year with over 200 killed so far - the deadliest in nearly a decade.

"We don't have to be sitting in City Hall to be conducting city business," Street said.

Okay, Black man -- have it your way!