Thursday, June 21, 2007


Paris Continues To Wreak Havoc On Delgadillo's Rocky Political Career

Now being accused of using staff for non-work related purposes, City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo is definitely not having his best week ever!

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the city's top prosecutor illegally enlisted members of his office staff to run personal errands and baby-sit his two boys, ages 6 and 3, including taking them to museums and other local attractions.

Through a spokesperson, Delgadillo confirmed yesterday that this in fact did occur. "On occasion, city staff members -- some of whom the city attorney has known for many years -- have watched the Delgadillos' children on their own personal time," according to the statement.

Is Rocky permanently burnt? The city attorney has been the subject of multiple disclosures in recent days, all reflecting inattention or an above-the-law attitude.

There are even details coming forth about Michelle Delgadillo's business license lapsing, and her failure to file tax returns for the venture.

On Wednesday, Mrs. Delgadillo was sentenced to one year of summary probation and ordered to pay fines totaling around $1,300 for a 1998 driving without a valid driver's license misdemeanor. She pleaded no contest to the charge as well as failing to appear in court.

The sentencing came two days after Delgadillo's Ivy-league Latino husband admitted he had "occasionally" allowed his wife to drive his city-owned vehicle for personal errands, a possible violation of ethics rules.

In the last three years, the Delgadillos were chronically late in paying fines for at least five parking tickets. Michelle Delgadillo had an accident in 2004 while driving her husband's city-assigned GMC Yukon, which was repaired at taxpayer expense. The city attorney has now reimbursed the city for the $1,222 repair.

The disclosures began after Delgadillo's office insisted Paris Hilton serve a 45-day prison term for violating probation by driving with a suspended license.

Sheriff Lee Baca, who unsuccessfully tried to have Hilton serve her sentence at her Hollywood Hills home, candidly maintained that hotel heiress was subjected to a harsher standard than normal by the courts because of her celebrity status.

And she was, as we reporter here.

Paris, 26, is scheduled to be released this Tuesday, June 26.

Meanwhile, read here how Rocky is being investigated by the City of Los Angeles Ethics Committee as well as the California State Bar! Yikes!!!