Friday, June 29, 2007


I have been scratching my head on the "immigration issue" for several months. If millions of present aliens are legalized, will they, as some propose, really take jobs away from black people and other Americans? I don't think so. My rationale? I call it my Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles theory. Here it is:

A few months ago there was a state-wide strike in Los Angeles by Latino workers. I honestly didn't think it would affect me. However, I had a meeting that very same morning scheduled to be held at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffle restaurant on Pico Avenue. Roscoe's is one of the few lasting and legendary African-American restaurants in LA. Roscoe's would certainly be open, but it wasn't. Why? All of the cooks were Latino! So here's my conclusion: Black folks (or anybody else for that matter) just do not want the jobs a lot of illegal aliens hold now, or later.

Heck, if we did, we'd at least cook chicken and waffles in our own restaurant--but we don't--because why? WE DON'T WANT TO!

So I say, make the workers legal. Let them add to our taxable base. However, on the flip side, I'll be pissed off if the cost of my waffle goes up!