Tuesday, June 5, 2007


No, Not Juanita Jordan - This One's Even MORE!

A Illinois judge awarded what could be the largest divorce verdict in U.S. history, ruling that energy industry magnate Michael Polsky must pay his wife - big time.

Michael Polsky's lawyers had asked Judge William Boyd to reduce the award. Instead, Boyd raised the amount that Maya Polsky, 55, will get in the divorce — from the original $176 million to $184 million.

The Polskys emigrated from Russia with nothing more than 30 years ago. Trained as an engineer, Michael Polsky made his fortune in the energy business. He now heads Invenergy LLC. As he built the business, his wife raised their children.

Married for 31 years, the award amounts to about a 50/50 split of the couple's assets

Michael Polsky's lawyer unsuccessfully argued that Maya Polsky was "not a driving force of the business." Attorney Joseph Tighe said further, "We don't think the judge's decision gives proper considerations to the contributions of a spouse in the development of the estate."

Seeing that this occurred in Illinois, Air Jordan - if I were you - I'd be real concerned right about now! You better to be extremely nice to Juanita Black man.