Monday, September 3, 2007


My Girls Think Sexy Girl Singers Are The Bomb: Not In My House! (part 1 of 2)

I have six year old twin daughters who, through much great effort on my part, have become music aficionados.

I started them at age two and three with nursery songs, and happy birthday and before I knew it they had that "nick, knack paddy whack give a dog a bone." down solid.

As they got older, I stepped it up to "Doe a Deer a Female Deer... (from 'The Sound of Music') and then I did a 'throw back' and taught them the theme to television's "The Courtship of Eddie's Father." You remember "... People let me tell you 'bout my best friend..."

This song made many a Kodak moment as I pushed them in swings at the park. And as a college music theatre major and saxophone player, I was pretty pleased with my legacy I was passing on.
Until last week.

While driving to the store, I snapped my neck into permanent whiplash to hear my my sweet six year olds singing, but obviously not understanding, ALL the lyrics to Beyonce's "To the Left".

To say I was concerned is an understatement. We might have a problem.

But no, two days later we are on the road again. This time I locked up the car breaks when, without any prompting from the radio, they started to sing the Pussy-Cat Dolls big hit, "Don't Cha?"

When they got to the lyrics, "Don't Cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?" I pulled the car over and came to a complete stop.

At their delicate age, they knew the song was sung by the Pussy Cat Dolls and then they boldly declared they were giving up on their career choices of doctor and veterinarian to become PUSSY CAT DOLLS. We definitely have a problem.

I blame this problem on their mom of course, because I only listen to sports radio and 70's disco. So if the song had been "So Many Men, So Little Time," you could blame me.

But this was obvious the heathenistic music of their mom. Mom who covers her coarse listening habits by saying, " this is just the music they play in my spin class at the gym ... it's work-out music. But were had I gone wrong? I taught them to resist music indiscretions. What had lead to the meltdown of their musical sensibility??

Next Time: Can their ears be rescued? Back to Dad's Music School.