Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Web Is Responding To The Jena 6 Controversy: Time To Break Out The History Books So Folks Can Get Schooled!

Last week, someone made the following comment about Jena 6:

I'm confused. Why, after 6 black youths beat a single white student senseless, can anyone claim it was "just a fistfight between students" and further claim that the black youths are being treated unfairly?THEY COMMITTED A CRIME!!!!Were the situation reversed, would you all be marching in protest that the white students were being treated unfairly?

Immediately after I saw this comment, that is when I knew I had matured. The old me would have wanted to immediately respond and engage in some sort of debate with this commenter, James, who clearly had not read up on the facts concerning this story. Then, my next thought was, someone else will respond (I was in the middle of meeting writing deadlines).

And I was right. Another one of my readers did respond and pretty much said, "Get informed."I have come to value not trying to rationalize with irrational people. Anyone with any critical thinking skills, upon receiving the facts in this case, would recognize that this case involving six young Black men beating a white boy who taunted them in light of a noose being hung from a tree just another excessive charges against another Black man.

Just before the incident that resulted in stiff charges for the Jena Six, white youngsters had attacked one of the six black boys, Robert Bailey, 17, striking him with beer bottles as he tried to enter a party. Only one of the attackers was charged -- with simple battery. This is nothing but a case about racism and lack of fairness in the justice system for Blacks in this country. It's not complicated. Let's just call it what it is.

Historically, African Americans have always been treated unfairly in the judicial system as compared to whites. After years of lynching - the hanging of Blacks that was rarely punished in this country - the U.S. Senate refused to enact anti-lynch legislation and refused to apologize for its silence and failure to protect Black people in these cases until 2005. Here is an excerpt from coverage in the...