Sunday, September 16, 2007

Paula White Is Handling Her Split From Her Husband And Pastor Well, But Juanita Bynum Needs A New Media Strategy

The Pastor Randy And Paula White Divorce: Lessons From The Pulpit

What sometimes seems like a case of the dueling divorcing female evangelists, last week it was Paula White's turn to appear on TBN since the announcement of her divorce. Like Prophetess Juanita Bynum - who also calls Bishop T.D. Jakes a mentor - TBN was the first stop for White after the very public announcement of her divorce from Randy White with whom she served as co-pastor of their Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Florida.

For me, if Juanita Bynum "hit it out of the park" with her appearance on TBN, Paula White "hit the game-winning home run" with hers. She was amazing!

Interviewed by contemporary Christian music artist, Carman, White sat poised and humbled as she communicated the power of her spiritual life which she credited with keeping her strong during this very challenging time for rarely is the loss of a marriage ever easy.

Upon first coming on to the program, Carman referred to her as a life coach as well as a minister of the gospel. I found the usage of this secular characterization interesting, yet powerful. I enjoy seeing people evolve in their gifts. White's powerful preaching and teaching cannot be denied.

What I also found interesting was...

This sistah has so much more to say>>>