Friday, September 28, 2007

Since When Did Fox News Analyst Juan Williams Become A "Happy Negro?"

Fox's Bill O'Clueless Has Brothers Waging War On Each Other Instead Of The Idiot Who Put His Foot In His Own Mouth.

While our sistah here at Three Brothers has much love for Dr. Boyce Watkins, I don't know if I can co-sign on brotherman dissing Juan "Eyes On The Prize" Williams.

Boyce went on CNN recently to discuss the Bill O'Reilly's "Black Folks at Sylvia's Restaurant are just like other folks" remarks. Remarks that have caused all kinds of Internet buzz on blogs referring to O'Reilly as being everything from a prophet, to a double-neck White boy who's long overdue for a beatdown.

While it's clear O'Reilly is a talented journalist adept at being a media provocateur simply to keep those big checks coming in, he's either stunningly misinformed, brilliant, or just an unadulterated asshole. Maybe it's all the above.

Juan, however, is a stellar cat who totally gets it. Just listen to him on this clip:

Boyce, I think you owe this Black man an apology -- big time. While I'm good with you making your mark and laying it down on CNN, I hate to see us go for the jugular with each other when we're all trying to end up in the same place. There are too many other folks who deserve that "Happy Negro" label. Based on what I've personally seen and heard when it comes to Juan Williams, he ain't the one!