Saturday, September 15, 2007

McDonalds Is Serving Up A Salty New Item: McJail!!!</

How About A Booking Photo To Go With That Shake?

By Jayar Jackson

Every time you visit a fast food spot pumping out burgers, tacos, fries, and multiple drinks all at the same time at record speed, a few minutes are taken to make sure they included the cheese, the large fries, and the Diet Coke, not the regular Coke.

The one time you don’t, they mess it up so badly that you wonder if you should go back and fight the busy lines inside or just eat the happy meal they gave you, instead of the Quarter Pounder that you ordered.

It’s enough to make your blood boil, so when these express-style Emerils throw your entire lunch hour off, you wish you could just get more than just a free cheeseburger for all the trouble.

Well, if you have a gun, some handcuffs, and a squad car, you can get those pests out of the kitchen and off the mean streets of Union City, GA.

This is where McDonald’s employee Kendra Bull was arrested last Friday, charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct, and freed on $1,000 bail after police officer Wendell Adams became the first of billions and billions served to try the new McSalty. The 20 year-old burger flipper said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat that was served to Adams anyway after she told her supervisor and a co-worker, who tried to thump the salt off.

The food made him so sick he was briefly hospitalized and hit the early morning beat with a score to settle. He talked to the restaurant's manager, another employee and Bull, who admitted she spilled the salt on the burger.

Bull said the officer asked her to step outside, where he continued to question her. "He told me it made him so sick it had to have something worse than salt on it," said Bull.

After spending the night repaying her debt to society, Kendra must have taken to the streets with a new outlook on life. "I think they went too far with it," said Bull. "If it was too salty, why did [the officer] not just take one bite and throw it away? Why did he take eight bites and finish it and come back later and say it made him sick?"

Little did Kendra know that this crime-fighting sleuth actually didn’t finish the burger, but saved the last few bites which were sent to the state crime lab to find out what was in or on the burger that made him sick. When this Inspector Gadget case is finally solved, I’m sure the people of Union City will be thankful that their tax dollars went to such a worthwhile arrest, investigation, and court time to stop Dr. Claw one more time!

Keep talking, it’s the only way they’ll ever hear you.--JJJ