Monday, September 3, 2007

Barack Obama Busts A Labor Day Move: From Katrina's Aftermath In New Orleans To White Folks In Iowa!

Over the Labor Day Weekend, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama was working the crowds along the eastern seaboard.

From the Washington Post: As Sen. Barack Obama led a rowdy mob down the street here during a Labor Day parade, an organizer wearing a Mitt Romney pin stood on the sidewalk and stared in astonishment. "It's going to be tough to beat that guy," he said, shaking his head, to another man with a Romney sign.

Black Women for Obama Join Movement for Change

Last week, however, Obama's team released this video about our people still trying to keep hope alive in New Orleans. If this brother doesn't win, we're gonna be seriously ticked!

Whether it's George Clooney speaking about the senator like a giddy school girl, or Hillary Clinton trying to keep this upstart in his place, this is the time family to be engaged in this fight.