Thursday, June 7, 2007


Genarlow Wilson and a group of friends had the kind of New Year's Eve bash that is every parent's worst nightmare.

Inside the Douglasville, Georgia Day's Inn were signs of drinking, as well as condom wrappers littered all over. Did we mention the video camera?

That's what captured the African-American honor student and star athlete having sex with a 17-year-old girl. During the act, she appears to be sleepy or intoxicated but never asks Wilson to stop.

On other portions of the tape, a 15-year-old was recorded having oral sex with several boys in succession, including Wilson.

The following morning, Wilson, 17 at the time, learned from a friend some very disturbing news: The 17-year-old had gone to the police to report that she'd been raped.

Authorities believed the alleged rape victim and said she was too intoxicated to consent to any sexual acts, which is what Georgia law requires. Six boys, including Wilson, were arrested on various charges, including rape.

District Attorney David McDade said the videotape was critical to his case. "There is no doubt that without the videotape we would have to be relying on the statements of these young people..." he said.

Five of the boys accepted plea deals, but Wilson -- the only one without a police record -- held out. Maintaining his innocence, he stood trial in February 2005 for five days. The jury's deliberations moved swiftly, with a vote to acquit Wilson of raping the 17-year-old.

"I mean it wasn't even an hour," said jury forewoman Marie Manigault. "We immediately saw the tape for what it was. We went back and saw it again and saw what actually happened and everybody immediately said not guilty."

But the second girl in the videotape was 15, and the age of consent in Georgia is 16. Consequently, state prosecutors argued that Wilson should be convicted of aggravated child molestation for the young lady who did not drink and who willfully performed oral sex on Wilson.

Until 1998, oral sex between a man and a woman was illegal, punishable by up to 20 years in prison. In Wilson's case, even though he was only two years older than the girl, and she was willing, could not consent legally that night.

Everyone, including jurors, frowned on the charge. Nevertheless, they had no choice but to find Wilson guilty of aggravated child molestation.

Back in the jury room, jurors were later told for the first time that the conviction carried a mandatory sentence of at least 10 years in prison.

Wilson would also be forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. A life devoid of the prom, graduation, college and freedom.

After having served 27 months on lockdown, Wilson remains in prison. Forgive us for ignoring the hysteria over Paris Hilton being cold and sad on day four of her 23 stint in the county jail!

Before the incident, Genarlow Wilson -- by any measure -- had beaten the odds. The son of a single mom, the high school senior was an all-conference football player and track star, with offers to play in college.

"I was the first-ever homecoming king at my high school," he said. "That was a very great privilege for me."

Atlanta attorney B.J. Bernstein has filed an appeal on Wilson's behalf and has received support from a state legislator who helped pass the molestation law. "The legislative intent was to protect women and children from sexual predators," said Rep. Tyrone Brooks, a Morehouse graduate currently serving in the Georgia State Assembly.

In fact, the legislature is rewriting the antiquated law that sent Wilson to prison in the first place. In a bill currently pending in the Georgia Senate, the crime would be reduced to a misdemeanor, punishable by no more than a year in prison and/or probation. Registration as a sex offender would not be required.

Today Wilson remains as steadfast as ever about not taking the deal that would have reduced his sentence by half. "It's all about doing what's right," he said. "And what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. And I'm just standing up for what I believe in."

God speed young brother. Here's more about Genarlow Wilson's appeal.