Wednesday, September 5, 2007

You Naughty Boy! Black Southern Judge Accused Of Spanking Brothers In Jail!

Alabama Jurist Accused Of Paddling Inmates

When you first hear that Circuit Judge Herman Thomas is accused of paddling folks in his office, you know there's got to more to this story. It has to be, unless he's having flashbacks of pledging!

The Mobile Press-Register is reporting that Thomas was periodically removing prisoners from Mobile County Metro Jail and spanking them in a room at the courthouse. According to the Press-Register, once inside the room, the judge allegedly would ask the men to drop their pants and prepare to be spanked with what was described as a wooden paddle.

Thank you big brother sir, may I have another!

At a morning news conference, the Mobile, Alabama chapter of the NAACP called for a Department of Justice investigation and alleges District Attorney John Tyson of coercing information from inmates.

NAACP President Jimmie Gardner says inmates who thought they were attending a court hearing for their own case, were instead interrogated by D.A. John Tyson without an attorney present and promised lighter sentences in return for information. Gardner calls the interrogations a "violation of civil rights", and claims one inmate who was questioned has signed an affidavit that he knows nothing about paddling incidents.

Judge Thomas told the Press Register that he did not have any comment on the allegations. Sources also say that between six to 12 men have shared their accounts with investigators. Thomas is preparing for an October 29th judicial ethics trial in Montgomery that could remove him from the bench permanently.

Those ethics charges allege that he helped his cousin, former Mobile County School Board Commissioner David Thomas, Jr. Investigators say Judge Thomas removed David Thomas from the crowded Mobile Metro Jail to the Prichard City Jail when Thomas was ordered to serve a week long sentence for leaving the scene of an accident that injured a little girl.
