Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The View Welcomes Whoopi! Web Traffic Increases As Black Superstar Takes On Daytime TV

Critics, who cares? Media executives, forget about 'em. We all know who Whoopi Goldberg is trying to impress as she takes over the moderator's seat at ABC's "The View."

The blogosphere!

Keyboards were already buzzing about the soap opera that started with Star being kicked to the curb, Meredith high-tailing it over to "The Today Show", and then Rosie's adrenaline filled nine months of drama.

It's unlikely that Whoopi will be able to top any of that, but hey, she's game.

"It's a lot to sit next to [Barbara Walters]. It's a lot. It's a huge deal," Goldberg said. She hopes the power of positive thinking will help her succeed.

"I am going to look in the mirror and tell myself, 'Yes I can. Yes I can,'" Goldberg said. "There are things I'm going to have to learn like the sort of pop culture, who people are because this is where I'm lacking."

Even if Goldberg believes she has work to do, Walters said she is excited about the new addition to the cast. And she wants Goldberg to bring some of her signature acts to the show. "I also hope that Whoopi will occasionally do something from her Broadway show where she's another character," Walters said. "Let's face it, we're so lucky to have her. This is a brilliant performer."