Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Of the three brothers on this blog, I think I am just the last one to be gossiping.

But when I heard this story and in light of all the daddy's in the media and everywhere, fighting for custody/visitation of their kids and then the video tapes and phone messages that get leaked to the press by "mysterious sources" (ie. the mothers) I found this news story quite amusing:

After the famous hamburger incident, David Hasselhoff has emerged victorious in court! He has won temporary custody of his two kids. The court hearing yesterday, was closed -- secret. Hasselhoff went into court stripped of his right to visit with his children in the wake of the burger video.

But we're told the judge was stunned by the evidence presented by the court-appointed expert who performed psychological evaluations on the family.

We're told the expert said Pamela Bach, Hasselhoff's ex, was abusive to her kids -- especially Hayley, the younger of the two.

The expert also noted that Pamela refused drug testing, among many other things.

Bach's lawyer was on the defensive today, unsuccessfully attacking the expert. Sources say the judge gave David full custody for two weeks, until the next hearing is held. Until then, the kids will live with him. And Bach, she's been stripped of any custodial rights. Well imagine that!