Sunday, September 7, 2008

Obama's Biggest Mistake...Not Choosing Hillary

OK, I said it Barack should have chosen Hillary as his running mate for vice president and it is so glaring now that we see how Sarah Palin has snatched a big chunk of history from the Democrats and like a bulldog plans to hang on to it. How can I see it and my GOP brother from another mother who blogs here with me stay silent on the subject. In fact all over the country, you "brother" GOP are strangely looking a lot like Luke Skywalker as you step away from the "dark side" of the Republican heart and look to Obama for some historical soul. But I digress, because Hillary really should be our girl.

She earned it. She has a base of deliverable votes. She was the history maker. And from her and Bill's performance at the DNC convention they have healed themselves and really are "team Democrats" in the end. The GOP has gotten the drop on all us Dems. To say, Sara Palin is bouncing, and burping that conservative right wing Republican base like yet a new born babe, would be and accurate analogy. In fact is that not a collective "Ma Ma" I hear from them as they finally get what they want and those grassrooters will now give McCain what he wants and desperately That's right because now they are ready to go out and organize and get "their man and WOMAN" in the White House.

How could Obama have been so scared of the Bill and Hillary show that he would risk his own place in history. Hillary is the one female who should be making history as the first woman on a national ticket for Vice President. Obama was confused with all the pants suits and feared she would always want to wear the pants. You were wrong. Sara Palin is a pale ghost compared to what Hillary has brought and would have brought to the ticket and eventually to our office. Hockey mom? Caribou Killer?? The son is not enlisting, he is running away to the army, the daughter in getting pregnant was in fact saying, "screw you mom, I can do what I want and I'm just as much a woman as you are." This is some highly dysfunctional crap and as the days roll along we will learn just how jacked up her family life is, and that Sarah Palin can't run "her" house, let alone the White House. Could his miscalculation, not choosing Hillary for VP, cost him the Presidency?