Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chinese Poisonus Powdered Milk, Lead Infested Toys, Tainted Blood Thinners, Killer Dog Food... Why We Should Boycott Everything Chinese

Chinese officials reported Wednesday that the number of babies sick from tainted milk formula had climbed dramatically to nearly 6,200 from 1,200 a day earlier. At least three children have died and more than 1,300 others, mostly newborns, remain hospitalized with dozens suffering from acute kidney failure. China does not have an effective FDA like the U.S. We therefore, need to start boycotting products from China for our own safety.

Tainted dog food has killed our pets, deaths and near deaths are associated with the tainted drug Hepron, both "Made In China". And let's not forget about the toothpaste, the Pocket Polly dolls and hundreds of other toys covered in dangerous lead that continue to be recalled and all "Made In China". This "milk gate" proves that the tight controls the government of China promised, just are not there.

The Associated Press(AP) pointed out that "this is also the second major case in recent years involving baby formula. In 2004, more than 200 Chinese infants suffered malnutrition and at least 12 died after being fed phony formula that contained no nutrients.

In a sign of the government's concern, Premier Wen Jiabao presided over a meeting Wednesday of China's Cabinet to back plans for a national inspection of milk products, according to a notice on the government's Web site.

Suppliers to the dairy companies are believed to have added the banned chemical, melamine normally used in plastics, to watered-down milk to make it appear higher in protein. Inspectors will now start testing for melamine in all dairy products, officials said."

We here in the USA need to ask is how many people from the USA have to get sick, be hospitalized or die before we get the message. And the message is, there are just somethings we need to manufacture in the USA were we can keep a close watch over them no matter the price.