Monday, September 1, 2008

Looks Like Venus & Serena Williams May (Again) Take Center Court At The 2008 U.S. Open

Even as her baby sister prepared to play the night session against 29-year-old wild card Severine Bremond of France, ranked No. 121 in the world, tennis powerhouse Venus Williams tore through promising 19-year-old Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland, 6-1, 6-3, to further demonstrate how she's sailing again at 28.

Two years after falling to No. 46 in the world through a wrist injury and inactivity, Williams has spent Wimbledon and the U.S. Open this year winning all 11 matches and all 22 sets thus far. Maybe it's that scope of vanilla she's been seeing and their pending engagement. Love does has a way of doing that to you!

Radwanska, who like Williams has a younger sister among the top 150 players, tried showing her ranking in the second set. Ripping some fearless shots into the corners, she in turn dredged some impressive stuff out of Williams, in particular some swinging backhand volleys with high degrees of difficulty.

From 3-3, Williams dominated, breaking Radwanska's serve in the seventh game and then crushing shots to break at 15-40 in the ninth game, heightening a summer that has included a Wimbledon title and an Olympic doubles title.
