Tuesday, September 2, 2008


A Down Guy With A Terrific Black Wife And Beautiful Children Leaves Us

The film world has lost an amazing, unbelievable talent. Everyone reading this post has heard him speak, but many of you probably don’t know his name.

Don LaFontaine was and will forever be a voiceover legend, whose voice has graced over 5,000 movie trailers and nearly 350,000 commercials!

I met Don after he married my friend Nita Whitaker, an incredibly talented African American sistah who actually sing at my wedding.

Don had been admitted to Cedar Sinai hospital on August 22, with a blood clot lodged in his lung. Sadly, he died of complications relating to pneumothorax. He was 68 years old and leaves behind Nita and teen daughters Skye and Elyse and another child from a previous marriage.

He has generally been thought of as the person who coined the phrase “In a world…” He has helped to stoke excitement for such varied shows and films as Terminator 2, Cast Away, 24 and Arrested Development among countless others. Most recently, he has been seen in Geico commercials, in which he parodies the urgency of trailer voiceovers.

Although a number of years have gone by, I will always remember Don as someone who was sarcastically witty and a incredible sense of humor. Our prayers go out to the family, particularly Nita during what will obviously be a very challenging period:

Don, you will truly be missed. Congratulations, you've been promoted.

via ETOnline