Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Donna Brazile Pepper Sprayed At GOP Convention!!!

What the hell?? The Republicans are trying to have drama and excitement like the Democrats did at their convention. Unfortunately protesters, police in riot garb and pepper spraying Democratic pundit and strategist Donna Brazile is not the way to get it done.

Brazile was hit by pepper spray as she walked to the Xcel Center at the start of the Republican Convention. She has confirmed the incident, but declined to comment further. Protests outside the convention center led to 56 arrests earlier in the day.

Brazile is the Chair of the Democratic National Committee's Voting Rights Institute and was a delegate at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Donna is a friend this site and girl all you need to do is call, and we will come running if any other trouble jumps off.
Thanks MediaTakeOut for the scoop