Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick Wrap Up...He Goes To Jail Finally

And what about wife Carlita and the children...does anyone care how they are feeling?

Under Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's orders, the city spent $8.4 million to hide incriminating text messages sent by the mayor and his former chief of staff, Christine Beatty -- messages that seem to indicate Kilpatrick and Beatty had and affair, and that they conspired to fire police officer Gary Brown. Brown and two other officers lost their jobs partly because of their investigations into the mayor's liaisons.

In court Thursday...
Kilpatrick said: "I lied under oath...with the intent to mislead the court and jury and to impede and obstruct the fair administration of justice."

City Council President Ken Cockrel will take on the job as mayor once Kilpatrick occasionally steps down on Sept. 18. Kilpatrick's sentencing is next month.


The price of passion...What will mistress Christine Beatty do now?

Kilpatrick has given up his law license, resigned from his mayor post, will serve 4 months in jail and repay the city $1 million as part of the plea deal he agreed to in court Thursday

OK, can we now address the 8% unemployment that plagues the city of Detroit?