Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Was Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick a Sex Addict as well as a Text Addict?

In court this past Monday,evidence of additional extramarital affairs involving Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick came from his own text messages, which reveal Kilpatrick had relationships with women besides his wife and his former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.

Prosecutors have obtained more than five years of the mayor's messages as part of their criminal investigation.

Miller said there will be no new people charged in the investigation "at this time."

The possibility that other women would become part of the prosecution's case almost as an aside last Thursday was argued that prosecutors should be allowed to publicly file court documents that included hundreds of previously undisclosed text messages.

Most of the new messages are said to go to the heart of the existing charges of perjury, conspiracy and misconduct in office against Kilpatrick.

For more visit, the Detroit Free Press.