Thursday, July 24, 2008

The View's Sherri Shephard Has "Had More Abotions Than I Can Count"

"I talked to God, I talked to Barbara. We good.”

Wednesday on “The View,” Shepherd clarified some statements that she made to a black Christian women’s magazine called Precious Times. In the article, she was quoted as saying that televangelists Juanita Bynum and Joyce Meyer would be good on “The View.” She said “they could lay hands on Barbara Walters and get her saved.”

Shepherd says she was joking and clearly it didn’t come off the way she wanted it to. She says she spoke to Walters, who is vacationing in France, and apologized for any offense. She says Walters laughed and shot back: “Sherri, I’m already in heaven. I’m in Paris.”

Shepherd also explained a statement she made to the magazine about having had multiple abortions in the past. She was quoted as saying “I’ve had more abortions than I can count.”

Shepherd says she carried a lot of shame and guilt about it, until a woman at a conference said “Sherri, when you get to heaven all your babies are going to be there.”

Shepherd says she was in no way trying to be flippant about abortions. MSNBC