Monday, July 14, 2008



What if Senator John McCain was shown in the form of a "political cartoon" turning his back and smirking on his first wife as a cripple after she suffered a car accident while reaching for 20-something bombshell Cindy McCain?

Or what if Cindy McCain was shown drunk while popping pills as she hung from the rafters of her Budweiser distributorship as an angry John McCain looked on shouting expletives for her to get down. Something tells me there would be a backlash of hell to pay - as well there should be.

The cover of the New Yorker this week is highly tasteless and unnecessary - unless one is trying to contribute to the downfall of a candidate in an election.

It is my understanding that the New Yorker is typically a liberal magazine.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Obama campaign for president is a metaphor for life. One could easily argue that most presidential campaigns are.

However, I must ask the question: If anyone - who is not Black chose to run for president - would they like to do it as a Black man?

For more visit Diary of a Content Black Woman.