Bizarre Case Focuses on Andrea Curry-Demus
An autopsy on a woman's body found in an apartment linked to a mystery newborn baby found that the African American woman was partially eviscerated and her uterus was cut open, authorities said Saturday.
The body was found Friday in an apartment of another woman who showed up at a hospital with a newborn she falsely claimed was hers.
Investigators were trying to determine the woman's identity, how she died and whether she was the mother of the baby that Andrea Curry-Demus allegedly told police she bought for $1,000.
The victim appeared to have been dead for about two days before she was found, Allegheny County Medical Examiner Karl Williams said in a statement.
The woman's hands and feet were bound with duct tape, and her face was covered with a plastic material that had also been secured with duct tape. A placenta was recovered at the apartment.
Curry-Demus, 38, of Wilkinsburg, showed up at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh on Thursday with a newborn whose umbilical cord was still attached, police said. Tests later proved she was not the mother — despite her claims to the contrary, police said.
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Curry-Demus had previously been accused with child endangerment and dealing in infant children, remaining incarcerated until she posted a $10,000 bond and underwent a psychiatric exam.
The jail wouldn't say whether Curry-Demus had an attorney, and a message left for an attorney who has previously represented her was not immediately returned.
The woman's body was found Friday after reporters called authorities about a foul odor coming from inside Curry-Demus' apartment. Police had been at the building Thursday night, but did not enter that apartment, Wilkinsburg Police Chief Ophelia Coleman said.
A relative of Curry-Demus had led them to another apartment, she said. Source