Sunday, July 6, 2008

Barack Obama Defers to Daughter Malia On Her Birthday

Malia Obama told her parents that spending her 10th birthday helping her father campaign for the presidency far from home and "rocking out" with her family after takeout in a modest hotel room was the best she has ever had.

The Obama clan — the Democratic presidential nominee, his wife, Michelle, their daughters, Malia and Sasha, and his sister and her family — transplanted to Butte, Mont., for Friday's Fourth of July holiday, which also was Malia's birthday.

It was a full, hot day of campaigning.

There was dutiful attendance at the small mining town's parade, a campaign-hosted "family picnic" for hundreds on sun-drenched a hillside, and a long afternoon of several media interviews that included pictures of the girls playing and even questions from television's "Access Hollywood," despite the Obamas' typical prohibition on media attention for them.

There were fireworks late Thursday night, and countless renditions of "Happy Birthday" from townsfolk for Malia.

Obama said the family was tired by Friday evening and chose the no-fanfare option of ordering in dinner and birthday cake to their rooms at the Holiday Inn Express. They had put Malia's favorite songs on an iPod, by artists such as the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and what ensued was about two hours of dancing.

"She said it was the best birthday she ever had," he said.
Source: APs ON The Campaign Trail