Thursday, May 15, 2008

American Idol 2008 Syesha Mercado Leaves... Judges and Ryan Could Have Been Nicer

Syesha Mercado

Our Tribute To The Last Sista'...One Rock And Roll Too Many

Last night Syesha was voted off American Idol 2008. I admit, weeks ago, I was surpised to see Syesha in the top six of this years competition. Up till then she was consistently in the bottom of vote getters. But Andrew Lloyd Webber night put her on the map and showed she had the goods. Last night she was not allowed to exit gracefully as she became the object of unecessary critisim. The whole world knew in the end she would exit leaving a showdown between the two Davids. It didn't have to be so ugly.

Trying to clear the way for the two Davids, all the judges criticized Syesha during the show, even Paula, who is the softest and usually has something nice to say about every contestant.

It was strange to see Syesha criticized so much just as she was giving her best and had started to have more confidence and be more open. In the last shows, Syesha proved she was not only a singer, but could also make a good entertainer, showing off her dancing skills and trying to be as expressive as possible. Well, all her efforts were in vain, as her fate was pretty much decided already.

Partial Source: By Ona Zachary EFLUX MEDIA