Thursday, May 15, 2008
Edwards Endorses Obama... Too Little Too Late
Former Democratic nominee hopeful John Edwards late yesterday announced his endorsement for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nominee. But really folks, aren't we a bit too far down this primary road for his endorsement to mean anything.
If Hillary winning the West Virgina Democratic Primary on Tuesday was anticlimactic for most people, this Edwards endorsement comes as almost an after thought. I can't really say if even helps Edwards in his possible desire to be candidate for vice president. And because I feel he really is not interested in that position, leads me to believe that why he waited so long.
This endorsement would have meant more in February or March, but John Edwards' endorsement of Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination was welcomed nonetheless by a politician Obama eager to turn the page on the primary process.
Edwards' surprise appearance at a rally Wednesday steered some of the attention away from Hillary Rodham Clinton's landslide win over Obama in Tuesday's West Virginia primary. And that was probably the affect he wanted as it thrust his announcement on to the front pages and gives him, Edwards, credit for at least being strategically helpful with his announcement.