Sunday, May 25, 2008
Obama Gives Wesleyan Commencement Address in Place of Kennedy
Amid 15,000 people, Obama passed on a message from Kennedy, D-Mass., who had asked the presidential candidate to speak on his behalf.
"I’d like to start by passing along a message from Ted," Obama said, and then read words from Kennedy: "To all those praying for my return to good health, I offer my heartfelt thanks. And to any who’d rather have a different result, I say, don’t get your hopes up just yet!"
With Kennedy’s wife Vicki and stepdaughter Caroline Raclin (who was graduating from the university) listening in the audience, Obama reminded the students of Kennedy’s contributions to America, adding, "And I have a feeling that Ted Kennedy is not done just yet."
Using the Kennedy legacy for a platform, Obama’s commencement address was a call for the students to serve their country.
"There’s no community service requirement in the outside world -- no one forcing you to care. You can take your diploma, walk off this stage, and chase only after the big house and the nice suits and all the other things that our money culture says you should buy," Obama said. "You can choose to narrow your concerns and live your life in a way that tries to keep your story separate from America’s. But I hope you don’t."
For more, visit ABC News.