Saturday, May 17, 2008

Olympic Gold Medalist Tim Montgomery, Joins His Ex, Marion Jones In Jail

Former US Olympic sprinter Tim Montgomery was sentenced to 46 months in prison today for a cheque fraud and money laundering scheme that also helped bring down Marion Jones, his former girlfriend. Previously Marion had said she knew nothing of the scam but later on had to admit...

that one of the falsified checks had actually been deposited into her personal account. This caused federal prosecutors to pressure her into giving evidence against Tim and gave them reason to take a second look at denial testimony she had given in questions regarding her steroid use.

The sentencing marked the latest slide for the one-time fastest man in the world, who was already in federal custody on suspicion of conspiracy to possess heroin with intent to distribute in Virginia. He has yet to be tried in that case.

More on this story at NEWS.COM AU