Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
If you haven't had an opportunity to visit my sister in the struggle over at What About Our Daughters, I encourage you to do so.
She has a great piece on D.L. Hughley and his not understanding the impact of his comments in the wake of the Don Imus controversy when he basically pours salt on the womb of words by referring to the Rutgers team as "nappy-headed."
The reason this is particularly sad for me because I was once such a huge fan of Hughley. In fact, he went to high school with one of the brothers on this site. I use to visit him regularly at comedy clubs throughout L.A. and just laugh until I cried. One can't deny that he can be funny and is an incredibly gifted comedian.
However, to sit on the couch of a white man of the Tonight Show (BTW, I love Jay Leno - funny and a good spirit), and perpetuate the pain Imus comments represented for many Black women was insensitive, selfish and the sign of a desperate man who might be facing some career challenges.
Selling out one's soul or one's people is usually not a good career move no matter how "edgy" you are trying to be. As I've mentioned here before...
Our sistah is just getting started. Here's the rest.